This product selects the ORFlab (FAM) and N gene (HEX) regions of SARS-CoV-2, and designs two sets of primers and fluorescent probes. The two sets of primers and probes can specifically bind to the target sequences. When the RT-PCR amplification reaction is performed, the fluorescent signal (s) can bedetected by a full-automatic fluorescent PCR detector to realize real-time online monitoring of the RT-PCR reaction. In order to control the entire extraction anddetection process, human gene was act as a non competitive internal control duringthe extraction and detection process.
Fast and accurate: this kit only takes 35min for one reaction, and one step to complete RT-PCR, closed tube amplification and detection to prevent aerosol pollution.
Strong specificity: no cross reaction with similar respiratory viruses. The presence of blood, mucin and nasal secretions in the sample did not affect the test.
Respiratory infection disease detection
1. The kit should be stored at -25°C - -15C away from light, and avoid repeated fireeze-thaw.
2. The kit can be stored for 5 days at 2-8 C after opening.
3. The kit can be stored for up to 12 months if all components are kept in themanner above.
4. Do not use after the stated expiry date.The kit can be transported in foam box sealed with ice bags or dry ice at 2-8°Cor lower.