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This product is an antibody-coated hot-start DNA polymerase, where the antibody can regulate the activity of DNA polymerase based on temperature changes. At room temperature, the enzyme activity is completely blocked, and heating above 70°C for 1 minute de activates the antibody, releasing the DNA polymerase activity. This prevents non-specific amplification and primer-dimer formation during sample preparation and the reaction heating phase. This product is suitable for amplifying DNA products of less than 6 kb, DNA labeling, DNA sequencing, and more.

Product Details FAQ Specification Instructions

Low Host gDNA Residue: Comparable to imported brands.

Wide Application: Suitable for DNA sequencing, PCR, and the products can be used for TA cloning.

Batch Quality Stability: Low concentrations of BioReady Hot Start Taq produce normal bands during amplification.

Wide range of amplicon length: up to 6 kb.

BioReady Hot Start Taq is utilized in molecular biology for various applications including diagnostics (pathogen detection, genetic disease screening), research (gene expression analysis, SNP genotyping), environmental studies (eDNA analysis, microbial community profiling), and industrial sectors (food safety testing, agricultural biotechnology).
